Does God Create and Desire New?

Does God Create and Desire New?

I have been meditating on this question for a long time but specifically wondering if God desires newness within ourselves. My present hypothesis that I have had for some time now is this: God explicitly calls us to actively pursue Him in the Bible therefore our goal, as Christians is to become what he desires. I believe God has planted special abilities within every individual and our end goal is to discover theImage result for Chi Rho Greekm and develop them so that we can use them to glorify Him and bring truth into this world.


This is relevant to the question of: if God desires a “new creation”. It is relevant because every human becomes a new person over time. This is why you can think back to time when you did or thought things you did in the past that you could not comprehend doing in the present. Everything about us becomes new, even as we age, we get older, but our body takes new form. Christians view something noble about an elderly Christian, we see them in a more complete form. The point I am attempting to make is that we (Christians) could be coasting through Christianity when we have all this potential that we are not utilizing and taking advantage of.

Paul said this, “I die daily”, (1 Cor. 15: 31). He says this to say Christians are to die daily, we are to burn off the dead wood that we do not need. We cut away what is apart of us that is holding us back so that we can unlock the full potential of who God desires us to be. Christianity is constant death and new birth, a constant renewal.

I think that rebirth only occurs when one is put through tribulation. Suffering and tribulation is inescapable so people better decide what hardship in life is worth doing to get whatever end result it produces. Because not taking a risk is a risk in and of itself. Most people regret not doing something rather then doing something poorly. Everything someone great ability a human possesses they once did poorly. For example, I used to be relatively timid with strangers and I saw it as a barrier, something negatively affecting me and preventing me from having things work the way I wanted to. So, I used any little opportunity, any chance that presenteSee the source imaged itself to me to take it head on; no matter how nervous I felt I just… acted. It took time and was embarrassing but it became easier and more natural to the point I do not even think about it anymore. Who I was before is not who I am today as a result of action and calculation and the good that has come from that is insurmountable? Jesus helped me create a new person out of myself as a result of myself taking practical steps and risks. That one example has spread to my entire life philosophy which has led me to encourage other Christians to view themselves in this new light. That we are waiting to become new creations in Christ, for Christ.