“Do not boast about tomorrow, for you do not know what a day may bring.”
~ Proverbs 27:1

A friend of mine posted this verse on his Instagram story a few days ago. When I saw it, I didn’t fully understand what it meant or where he was coming from when he had put the verse up.

His answer? Well, I can’t remember exactly what I said now that I think about it, but I’ll paraphrase. In essence, he said that as humans, we make all these elaborate plans and we get excited for what we have scheduled in our calendars, but in reality, we have no clue what will happen between now and then. To

assume that we will enjoy the things we have planned is to think of ourselves as God.

At first, I didn’t really grasp what he said, but it slowly started to make sense. I myself had planned out my entire week- I was getting ready for a Salsa-making competition that I thought I KNEW was going to happen; I was looking forward to the weekend so that I could go out and do things with my friends; I was finally going to ask this girl on a date that I’d been talking to informally. But as we all now know, God had other plans.

Really, the main point here is that our plans are not God’s plans. It doesn’t necessarily mean that He hates us and doesn’t want us to do the things we want; on the contrary, His plans are ultimately for our good. We may not see why certain things (like this virus) come about, and honestly, we may not even see why in our LIFETIMES. But ultimately, there is always a reason for these things, and it’s all in God’s timing, NOT ours.

Caleb Pfohl

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