Destiny Rescue

Destiny Rescue is a Christian non-profit with the mission to rescue children in Thailand, Cambodia, the Philippines, Laos, Dominican Republic and India from human trafficking and sexual exploitation. Over 2,300 children have been rescued by DR since 2011. Their main goal is to provide both rescue and prevention for the children caught in or headed towards this dark industry. Through the help of the donor nations, the United States, Australia, And New Zealand they have been able to pull hundreds of kids out of bad situations before being trafficked in addition to those who have been rescued. Their work continues after the rescue of the kids. Following rescue, they aim to restore the children through their aftercare program based off of a safe living environments, counseling, medical care, education, and vocational training. Supporters of DR are able to be involved through directly supporting a child or a restoration home, as well as funding projects, hosting jewelry parties/purchasing some of the handcrafted jewelry made by the rescued girls. Individuals are able to join the Destiny Recue Family and become an advocate or journey on team trips to actually visit and serve at a rescue home. Their goal to rescue 100,000 children from the sex industry by the end of the year 2020 is an ambitious one and they plan on accomplishing this objective through careful strategic planning by doubling their rescue efforts each year until December 31, 2020. They are well on their way to achieving this fantastic goal and we can help. I encourage each of us to truly check this out and get involved in some way.


  1. Gabrielle Hickly on April 8, 2020 at 3:18 pm

    I love this so much because children who get stuck in this industry generally are conditioned into hopelessness. Also, love that its helping the beautiful children of the DR:)

  2. Damon Lewis on April 9, 2020 at 1:40 am

    These people are doing some amazing work. I’m inspired that they are both putting themselves on the line to help these children as well as helping them in every way possible to recover from their past once they are rescued.