Darling Media: Redemptive Feminism
Culture: Negative Feminism
Recently, culture has been teaching women to adhere to an unrealistic standard of beauty. Social media has only made the situation worse through filters and constant comparison. Feminism surfaced as a way to fight for women’s rights, but it has often gone about achieving this in harmful ways, which has led to unhealthy views of both women and men. Now, culture is trying to dismantle what it means to be a woman altogether. In all of this, mothers and daughters and sisters need reminded of their inherent value and beauty.
Transformation: Positive Feminism

Darling Media, started by Sarah Dubbeldam, seeks to transform the culture through positive feminism. Through their magazine and online platform, Darling Media is teaches about true womanhood. They are the only magazine that does not retouch women’s skin or bodies to modify their looks. Sarah Dubbeldam is attempting to redeem the image of women, and while not directly, remind women of their inherent value through the image of God. Culture is often grasping for truth, and Darling Media seeks to give genuine advice that people actually need and want to hear. Darling Media is not just employing redemptive feminism, but they are actively striving to transform the culture and its toxic view of women.
Christians and Feminism
Christians should work to redeem the image of women. God created men and women equal, made in His image. The Enemy is striving to poison the minds of men and women by corrupting the way we look at women. Christians are called to fight back and transform culture for the better, to the glory of God. One day, our Savior will return and all will be made new.
I absolutely love this. It is astonishing how quickly a good movement has turned into such a destructive culture, especially with social media. You would think that maybe social media and the ability to make yourself artificial to those who “follow” you would increase self-esteem and overall happiness, but it has instead deteriorated these things. I am a huge fan of this magazine and platform.
This is amazing. It’s a challenging thing to re-build something for what it truly is after culture has dismantled it so much. It’s awesome to see Sarah provide and share Biblical truth for women all over, this is such a life-giving redemptive business!