Covid-19 and the Connotations for Corporate Worship

It’s truly amazing – and certainly discouraging – to think back to the world we lived in only a year ago. Last March, the way we lived changed dramatically. Education and employment shifted to entirely virtual environments, restaurants closed, and staying home and watching Netflix became a noble pastime.

Of course, I don’t need to tell you this. You experienced it too.

However, as we consider all that we’ve lost thanks to the pandemic, we often overlook one major area. As Christians, we’ve observed major changes take place in the church due to Covid-19. Our Sunday gatherings switched to online livestreamed or pre-recorded services, and some churches adapted better than others. But regardless of how well a church bridged the gap between live and virtual services, something vital has been lost in the process.

If you doubt this, look at the way we worship in these Covid-19 times compared to a year ago.

Many people – both Christians and non-Christians – view church as a weekly obligation. In reality, it is a gift from God. Church fulfills not the needs of God, but the needs of His people.  Hebrews 10:24-25 says, “And let us consider how we may spur one another on toward love and good deeds, not giving up meeting together, as some are in the habit of doing, but encouraging one another—and all the more as you see the Day approaching.” Gathering together, worshiping together, and growing together in faith is critical to believers, and Covid-19 has made that abundantly clear.

I see this specifically in worship.

Instead of standing in the sanctuary singing together, we sit in our living rooms watching musicians on our TV or computer screens. We’ve become unintentional spectators to worship, watching worship or merely mumbling the words under our breath. And who can blame us? The screen is a difficult obstacle to overcome as a worshiper, and it cannot match the feeling of the Holy Spirit moving amongst a congregation passionately worshiping God.

No matter how well a church records and edits their worship set, something will always be lacking. This is an area where the body of believers is truly suffering, displayed in a heartfelt yearning. As churches open up, I see people coming with a craving for worship. And nothing matches the look on their faces when the first song plays, and they can finally sing together again.

Though the church has innovated a lot because of Covid-19, this is a major area that is somewhat lacking. As a result, I would encourage you to attend live worship as much as possible in these times, or be more intentional about your personal worship.


  1. Griebka18 on March 8, 2021 at 4:07 am

    This is so true! I think worship is definitely a gap that has occured for churches during these times. However, gaps are the perfect place for us to innovate to help provide for a need. While I can’t wait to go back to in person worship/church, I think that there will be some people who are not comfortable with that for long time. I think it would be interesting if churches (or other people/groups) create some type of zoom worship where someone is playing and even though everyone else has their mics off, they are able to see each other worshiping. I think this could provide community and accountability for our worship from home because it is easy to sit on the couch and watch instead of worship.

  2. HodilRH17 on March 8, 2021 at 4:52 pm

    You have some very good thoughts, especially looking at the pandemic as an opportunity for innovation or “gap filling” rather than just a catastrophe. I think that the innovation, specifically the tech innovations, will bring more people into churches and worship now that they are able to have easier access. This is also good considering that there has been a tendency for more people to want to attend church during this crisis because they are either looking for answers or for a community to be apart of. Although many will not be comfortable going to church in person, it has become more difficult to completely ignore seeing as service is more accessible.

  3. baierlgw19 on March 9, 2021 at 2:38 am

    This is a wonderful article and I think you are spot on. Your use of the Bible is wonderful and gives authority to your writing. Hebrews 10:24-25 is a great pair of verses. I think its important to continue to worship in everything we do from the classroom, sports field, to church service. COVID-19 will not be here forever so it is important to continue focusing on God until we can truly come back together and worship.

  4. MayerAM18 on March 9, 2021 at 2:46 pm

    Worship is very important to me because I feel that I am able to connect with God on a whole other level. I especially love your spiritual truth in the article. This was really encouraging in truth and a forward look to what will hopefully come.