Connections Homes
When taking a look at Connections Homes I would think that this would be a typical construction company that sells doors. Once taking a closer look into their website, you will find that there is nothing typical about them.
Connections Homes is a faith-based non-profit that is driven to connect young adults that are coming out of the foster care system to a family that will care for them. They could not be ignoring children and young adults that don’t have a stable, trustworthy family behind them. Connections Homes is about belonging, the kids and young adults of the world deserve to belong to someone forever.
Connections Homes is based on Gods words from John 14:18, “I will not leave you alone (comfortless, orphaned), I will come to you.” As an organization they believe that no one should be alone. They are being moved continually to be finding families that are willing to bring the youth into their homes so that they don’t have to be going through life alone anymore.
After taking an ever deeper dive into their website I came to find the layout that they have of some of their core values, they are using the acronym HEART and having a little blurb for each letter in the word. Also, by using the word heart shows that the meaning of it is down to earth and wholesome, there is meaning behind each aspect not just a corporate stamp all over the values. Connections Homes wants you to feel loved and welcomed.
Their values reflect their HEART:
H – Honor God and others
E – Empower one another
A – Accountability by taking ownership and responsibility
R – Relationships with others
T – Transparency with their live by being upfront
Connections Homes is committed to changing the outcomes of the forgotten population’s lives by connecting the youth with loving and caring families that will be there to walk with them through their life’s journey.
I also wrote about connections homes! I loved what you said and I agree that they have an amazing mission and are truly reaching an unreached population.I liked how you layed out their values and the ways that they reflect not only their heart, but the heart of Jesus! Great job..
Hi Molly! I really enjoyed reading your post, it was very well done. I like how you outlined and specified each of their values and what they stand for. The first time I heard of Connection Homes was in class. I believe that they have a beautiful mission that is seeking to aid an untouched yet immense part of society. Those in the foster care system certainly fall under the “forgotten” title. As many focus their time on aiding the homeless, sick, poor, etc. Although that is great, people shall not put aside those who have been in the system. I think what this company has done and strives to do is incredible and should be noticed by more people. As this is the first time I am hearing of this company, I am sure many are unaware as well. Spreading word of Connection Homes has the power to bring about an even greater change in the world. Thank you for sharing more information about this incredible redemptive company!