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Clean water for everyone

Clean water for everyone

Most Americans (Me included) take for granted most things in our lives. Between water, food, entertainment, etc being at our fingertips, life seems like a dream. But when in comparison to some countries around the world (Especially developing ones) it’s almost the complete opposite. It is hard to think about a world where we would have to work and stress over getting water, especially as easy as it is for us to just go to our fridge and press a button to have it dispensed to us. We shouldn’t feel guilty for this, but it is what it is, and being in the position that we are in means that we can help developing countries (Or even some places in us that don’t have safe and clean water, for example, some places in WV still don’t have clean water.)

A charity called “Charity: Water” plans on changing that, however. “Charity: Water” is a nonprofit organization that works with local communities that don’t have access to clean water, in order to them get clean water. While a problem that affects millions of people every day, it does, not mean it’s impossible to solve. “Charity: Water” invests the money they earn in companies with years of experience in helping communities have clean water. They work with community experts to find the best solution for them for both parties.

Overall “Charity: Water” is a prime example of a redemptive business that aims to help those around the world so they may have a better tomorrow and future.


  1. You are definitely right when you say that clean water is a problem that affects millions every day. So, every organization that helps deal with this issue is very necessary.

  2. Absolutely, you’ve hit the nail on the head. Clean water is a fundamental need that millions worldwide struggle to access every day. It’s a harsh reality that while many of us enjoy the convenience of clean water, there are communities, both abroad and even here, where this basic need remains a huge dificulty.

  3. I always forget how lucky I am to be to have all of these things at the tip of my fingers. I think it is important to understand how some people have a lot worse and as a result need our help. I am happy to hear there are organizations like this that are helping these people.

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