Christian Merch: Potential Pros and Cons
Selling merch, or swag, has been a commonly employed method of advertisement and revenue for businesses. Some Christian businesses have been no different, generating hoodies, t-shirts, jewelry, and more for a profit. Christian clothing brands argue for their approach with multiple lines of reasoning; we will look at some of these reasons.
3rd Day, a Christian clothing brand whose slogan is “Don’t be a plain-clothed Christian,” put out an article giving seven reasons why Christians should wear Christian t-shirts. For the sake of conciseness, I will let 3rd day provide the potential pros, and I will provide the cons. To an extent, I agree with the reasons, but I also aim to present another side to the argument.
Reason 1 is, “You become a walking gospel tract.” The idea is that the shirt may offer opportunities for evangelism. On the flip side, one may argue that a Christian shirt may turn people away from talking to the wearer in the first place.
Reason 2 is, “They show what you believe.” The article argues that it is usually best practice to reveal your Christian identity during the first interaction with someone so that they can see what is important to you and you can be shameless in your Christian identity. Again, this candidness may be helpful in some interactions, but it may prevent some interactions from happening or from being relaxed, especially in a culture where Christians are increasingly negatively stereotyped.
Reason 3 is, “They inspire Gospel conversations.” They prompt conversations and curiosity about God. This could be true, but people who are not ready for a faith conversation may just avoid the opportunity. In addition, many conversation topics can become good lead-ins for evangelism, not just t-shirts.
Reason 4 is, “No speech required.” The author argues that God can speak through multiple means and that since we won’t get to talk to most people we see, God could still use a t-shirt to speak to them. God indeed can use many means, especially through the Holy Spirit and miraculous encounters. Someone may see something exactly at the time they need to or see a theme over and over again miraculously within a week. My question is: what is the shirt communicating to a person in a random context? Maybe the shirt communicates a concept that the observer who once went to church has been craving, or maybe the shirt communicates to a person who was hurt by the church that the wearer is not a safe or pleasant person to be around.
Reason 5 is, “They encourage believers.” This argument may be the most irrefutable, since believers have or seek to have understanding and comradery with each other. Believers are unlikely to hurt each other with merch, and if there is hurt or misunderstanding, hopefully they will be able to clear up the matter with each other. Each person will have his or her own experience with the amount of encouragement they get from someone else’s t-shirt. Personally, I have been encouraged by a couple t-shirts, but the author of the article claims to have been encouraged numerous times.
Reason 6 is, “They edify the wearer.” This argument is based on the fact that wearing a physical reminder of God can help the wearer throughout the day. The author even points to the Old Testament and how God’s people put up God’s commands everywhere. This absolutely can be true, though wearers should also be aware of pride that may arise from wearing Christian merch. We need to be careful to not feel better about ourselves because we are more openly Christian than others; this was a major pitfall of the pharisees.
The final reason is, “They’re made for Christians.” The argument is that instead of choosing other random name brands, we should choose clothes that reflect our Christian interests. There are so many alternatives, though, such as buying from local businesses or from thrift and second-hand shops.
What is the final verdict? I think the diversity of the church may be crucial here. Some people may choose to wear Christian clothing, and some may not. Each category of people will have different opportunities for ministry, evangelism, and personal growth. Knowing your niche in ministry and your context can help you to make a good decision for you. And maybe one day is a good day for wearing a Christian shirt, and another day demands other clothing. What reasoning resonates with you?