As a young man who wants to enter the business world, I have often thought to myself how can I incorporate my Christian Faith into a very secular Industry. I have struggled with the best ways to do this without shoving my beliefs down people’s throats and turning them away from the Faith. The thing I keep coming back to is leading by example. John 13:15 is a great verse that I fall back on for this, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.”
As I have done reading on this topic, I came across an article that I really enjoyed from Bluefield University. They laid out some very logical steps in order to apply Christian ethics into a secular business world. I am going to pick out a few key points that I really took a lot away from.
The first point they made that I think is a given but can be hard for people in the business world is being honest in the business world in all we do. Proverbs 19:1 states, “I have set you an example that you should do as I have done for you.” When I think of this line, I think it applies to more then just telling the truth in business. I think this also applies to the way we practice our profession. I am going into wealth management and want to always keep the client at the forefront when doing things. Not what makes me the most money, but what helps our client reach their goals.
The next thing I want to touch on is charitable giving. This is something that often gets looked over in this day and age. Especially with living costs being so high. People say that they cant afford to give. I feel that if you aren’t giving away a 10% tithe when you are making 60K, how will you give away a 10% tithe when you are making 600K. 2 Corinthians 9:6 is the verse that this blog uses that talks about. It talks about being a cheerful giver. This is a great verse to lean back on when thinking about giving.
Those are just 2 examples of things that are often brought up when discussing bringing Christian Ethics in the workplace. Obviously there are so many more, but those are 2 that I really enjoyed in this article.
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