Centre Lumiere

Centre Luminiere is a holistic ministry that focuses on equipping women with the gospel,   vocational training, and skills to care for their family. The Centre has 30 employees, 40 students and a network of artisans who work from home. It is a non-profit with a vocational school and businesses.

I first learned about Centre on a missions trip to Haiti. One of the things that impacted me most on my missions trip was that America has devastated Haiti’s economy. After every natural disaster that occurs we donate clothes and send food, and while this is a temporary solution, and it makes us as Americas feel good. When this happens the local clothing stores and local agriculture are devastated. Why would anyone buy clothing and groceries when they could get them for free. While this short term is helpful for them, it puts them out of jobs.

What is so incredible about Centre for Luminiere is that they are teaching the local Haitian women a trade. They then employ them after they graduate from the school and they sell their products through their e-commerce business. They also pay the women their a fair wage. What is the icing on the cake, is that they are able to do all of this while teaching these women about the Gospel. Many of these women are mothers, who are then able to go home and teach their children about God and better serve their communities.


  1. Jansen Dudt on February 27, 2020 at 11:25 pm

    Hey Gretta, this is such a cool idea here. It is neat to see a hospital that is so heavily into ministry!

  2. Jael Compton on March 12, 2020 at 12:11 am

    Businesses that see a problem started by other nonprofits are so inspiring! This is what we should be doing as entrepreneurs. Also, the fact that they combined 2 extremely different but important things together is amazing and fascinating. I will definitely keep an eye out for this business in the future!