+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

Wear’s Valley Ranch

Wear’s Valley Ranch, located in the mountains outside Pigeon Forge in Eastern Tennessee, is a home for children that cares about redemptive entrepreneurship. The ranch allows at-risk children to flourish in a safe, Christian environment.  The ranch provides stable homes and personalized education programs for the kids. According to Pastor Jim Woods, the founder of […]

How New Research on Buying Habits Could Help the Church Reach Gen-Z

I was researching Gen-Z buying habits recently, and it occurred to me that the way Gen-Z is sold on products could offer insight into how Gen-Z might be sold on the church. Two recent studies stuck out to me as potentially helpful for the church as we try to adapt to the needs and ways […]

An Interview with Gen-Z Friends: Thoughts on the Church

This week, I interviewed a few Gen-Z friends about some of the things they love about church, some of the things they do not like about it, and some of the things they would change about it if they could. One of the biggest concerns that came up was the lecture style of sermons. “I […]

Reaching the “Churchless”

Examining the daily news cycle, it’s not hard to recognize that there has been an undeniable cultural shift in the last 20-30 years. Obvious examples of this shift can be seen in the pop culture. These trends are important to recognize and adapt to, however, I believe that there is something much more significant occurring […]

Genuineness is the Way to Reach the Next Generation

In class, we talked about how the media views modern Christians. We are seen as radical, hateful, irrelevant, anti-women, closed-minded, and hypocritical. That reputation is far from the standard that Jesus set for us, to be known by our love. This reputation has become a stumbling block in our mission to reach people when presenting […]

Redemptive Entrepreneurship | Every Tongue, Tribe, and Nation

As I contemplated what the words Church and Entrepreneurship meant, and how they related to each other, I struggled to see any correlation between the two. It always seemed to be more of an idea rather than something that could plausibly take place. I mean, the Church being intertwined into the workplace, or it being […]