Young Adults
Good Wholesome Fun
Last week I was offered an amazing opportunity to work at Seneca Hills Bible Camp as a camp counselor. I worked as a counselor at a camp in North East, Maryland this past summer and absolutely fell in love with the job, so I knew I wanted to do it again. I had attended SHBC…
Read MoreYour Brokenness is Welcome Here
I talked about one of my favorite public figures last time and I am just as excited to share about another one of my favorite girls this week. Jordan Lee Dooley is the founder of SoulScripts and the SHE podcast. This woman is so inspiring and I adore listening to her wisdom. She started out…
Read MoreNo Calling? No Problem.
Image source: 1Dental If you are a college student, odds are you have put some thought into what you want to do after college. The pressure of impressing your friends or not disappointing your parents is real. It comes up in conversation all the time, “what is your calling?” I used to get stressed when…
Read MoreHow New Research on Buying Habits Could Help the Church Reach Gen-Z
I was researching Gen-Z buying habits recently, and it occurred to me that the way Gen-Z is sold on products could offer insight into how Gen-Z might be sold on the church. Two recent studies stuck out to me as potentially helpful for the church as we try to adapt to the needs and ways…
Read MoreDigital Ministry | How do We do It?
Hey all! I am coming to the end of my mini series on digital ministry. So far I have talked about what digital ministry is and the role that it serves in reaching others through the Gospel, especially those perhaps who are younger, such as millennials. Next, I talked about some other influencers who are…
Read MoreAn Interview with Gen-Z Friends: Thoughts on the Church
This week, I interviewed a few Gen-Z friends about some of the things they love about church, some of the things they do not like about it, and some of the things they would change about it if they could. One of the biggest concerns that came up was the lecture style of sermons. “I…
Read MoreMississippi Boulevard Christian Church
Memphis is facing a major job crisis and local law makers and residents have been trying to fix the deficient. The U.S. Census’ American FactFinder reported only about 40,000 people hold two-year associate degrees, a certificate considered a key step into middle-class jobs. Meanwhile, 68,000 never completed high school, an additional 141,000 attended but have…
Read MoreReaching the “Churchless”
Examining the daily news cycle, it’s not hard to recognize that there has been an undeniable cultural shift in the last 20-30 years. Obvious examples of this shift can be seen in the pop culture. These trends are important to recognize and adapt to, however, I believe that there is something much more significant occurring…
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