+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

Safe Families: Kingdom Impact for Kids at Risk

I first learned about Safe Families when they became partnered with my church back home.  In their mission statement, Safe Families for Children shares that they are  “rooted in faith, fueled by radical hospitality, disruptive generosity, and intentional compassion, to build a network of caring and compassionate volunteers to support families facing social isolation.” Established […]


When I think of the Redemptive Mission in a local community, the first thing that comes to mind is Communicycle in Aliquippa, PA. Communicycle is a non-profit organization located in a small suburb of Pittsburgh called Aliquippa. This non-profit does exactly what its name suggests, they provide bicycles to people in the community. Aliquippa was […]

Christian Children’s Home of Ohio

For more than 50 years, Christian Children’s Home of Ohio (CCHO), a nonprofit organization with headquarters in Wooster, Ohio, has offered comfort and hope to children, teenagers, and families facing hardship. CCHO has the goal of giving children who have suffered abuse, neglect, or other types of trauma a secure and nurturing environment. In order to […]

The Mission of Hosanna Industries

In the beginning of the Missions of the Church, Becky Hetzer from Hosanna Industries came into our classroom to talk about her work. From that day on, my whole perspective on work and finding meaning in your work has changed. Hosanna Industries is a non-profit company that works with people that cannot afford to have […]

World Vision

World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization that has been making a “kingdom impact” for over 70 years. They focus on poverty, hunger, and injustice worldwide, providing emergency relief, long-term development, and advocacy for the poor and marginalized. One of the ways World Vision is making an impact is through their child sponsorship program. They […]