+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

Christian Merch: Potential Pros and Cons

Selling merch, or swag, has been a commonly employed method of advertisement and revenue for businesses. Some Christian businesses have been no different, generating hoodies, t-shirts, jewelry, and more for a profit. Christian clothing brands argue for their approach with multiple lines of reasoning; we will look at some of these reasons. 3rd Day, a […]

Mosaic Community Church

A town in Pennsylvania was once the producer of eighty percent of the world’s glass. The Three Stooges got their start there. The city was booming and productive. Now, that same city is run down; the best students in the local education system are, on average, three grades behind; and the racial disparities and segregation […]

Data Annotation

Artificial Intelligence may be controversial among Christian circles, but this doesn’t change the reality that AI has become a prominent way to receive information and will only continue to grow. Many companies have released statements that ensure that their Artificial Intelligence programs are accountable for following the AI Bill of Rights. The 5 principles of […]

Pink Stork

This business was founded by a woman named Amy Suzanne who developed this business after having a near death experience due to an infection. Amy’s story began when she received a fatal diagnosis that meant she would never conceive and she was given 24 hours to live. Against all odds, Amy survived and conceived a […]