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Charity Water: Clean Water can Change Everything.

Approximately 785 million people in the world currently live without clean water. These people without clean water most often live away from any infrastructure which means to get the clean water they have to travel quite a distance. When people have to prioritize most of their day toward traveling to get clean water, they are […]

Blog Post, Part 3: Engaging in God-honoring business

After analyzing the relationship between entrepreneurship, redemption, and Christ, how do we conduct business and entrepreneurship in a God-honoring way? First and foremost, Christian enterprise ought to be marked by stewardship. Consider, if you will, the role of the deacon within the church. In churches were the office of deacon is present, these individuals are […]

The Christian Burger Joint of the South: Cook-Out

Many Christians wonder how they can partake in redemptive entrepreneurship to serve the Lord with their businesses while at the same time making a profit. There are many ways to engage in redemptive entrepreneurship with any business. A simple example of a business engaging in redemptive entrepreneurship is Cook-Out. Cook-Out is a burger joint in […]

Budding Creationss Part 3: What’s Next?

Recap: Chole Hartman started an online t-shirt business titled Budding Creationss. Her goal was to find a common and light-hearted way to share the gospel in one’s daily life. She has found it difficult to make any sales because she feels that her primary target market, fellow Christians, is more concerned with losing the worldly […]

The Giving Keys, Jewelry for a Great Cause

Nowadays, people who are famous are always characterized by specific personality traits and most of the time, many of those traits being negative. However, there is another category of famous people who use their influence to start something incredible which changes the course of humanity for the better. Take for example Caitlan Crosby, singer/songwriter and […]

Redemptive Entrepreneurship: The Mission of the Church, Creation, and Entrepreneurial Behavior

As discussed in the last post, there were three basic topics to be covered as we analyze the Bible and Entrepreneurship. The relevant paragraph is displayed below: “First, we must understand the mission of the church, as seen in the personhood of Christ. Second, we must understand that the doctrine of creation is not merely […]

Budding.Creationss: The Challenges

With Hartman’s new e-commerce idea launched and out in the public, she has come across some surprising realizations. While she received a lot of positive feedback from her fellow Christian friends, they did not buy her clothes. They do not normally wear clothes that have verses on them. They were positive about the idea but […]