Creating Lasting Impact for the Future of the World

One of the most pressing conversations occurring within Christian communities has persisted for centuries. How do we, being called to discipleship by God, make disciples of all nations? I regularly struggle with simply having religious conversations with non-believers that I work with every day! Much more, reaching out, seeking the lost proves to be an…

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Youth and Media; Online Churches

If there’s one thing that’s extremely influential with modern youth in today’s society, it’s media. From movies, music, videogames, and social media, technology has opened up numerous ways for people to entertain themselves. While Christianity has been able to utilize media to help further the Gospel, there are plenty of other things in competition for…

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The Power of a Good Story

When Jesus came down to earth and started his ministry among the people of Israel, he communicated in stories. Jesus understood the impact of narrative. Many of the most complicated theological concepts are contextualized through his famous parables. In the same way, Christian entrepreneurs should seek to emulate that characteristic of our Lord and Savior.…

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Christian in Everything

When doing business, many entrepreneurs will blend their faith with their business. Others will blend social actions with their commercial business. When a company blends the commercial actions of their business with their social actions, they act philanthropically. When a company blends their Christian faith with their commercial actions and acts in a manner that…

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No Calling? No Problem.

Image source: 1Dental If you are a college student, odds are you have put some thought into what you want to do after college. The pressure of impressing your friends or not disappointing your parents is real. It comes up in conversation all the time, “what is your calling?” I used to get stressed when…

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Gen Z Pornography Crisis

In recent years, I have learned many shocking statistics related to pornography consumption among young people. According to Fight The New Drug, an organization that seeks to bring the porn crisis and its harmful affects into the light, 64% of young people, ages 13–24, actively seek out pornography weekly or more often (FTND). As is…

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