New Founding and Align: Restoring what is Lost

About three years ago, I met a man named Nate Fisher. During coffee with Nate, I found out that one of his passions is finding and supporting businesses that have aligned ideologies and values. That is why he foundedĀ  New Founding. New Founding serves as a digital commonwealth and forum for aligned businesses and citizens.…

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Redeeming Art for God’s Kingdom

Ahni Art is a small art business that has grown through Instagram and Etsy, and the art is sold on Etsy and soon on its own website. One might think that a business that sells art cannot be run by a redemptive entrepreneur, but this business is owned and run by a women who is…

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On Monday, we had Chadwyck Cobb come and speak to the class over Zoom, talking about his life and work experiences after graduating from Grove City College. His current job is with DonorSee where he is the head of partnerships since March of 2020. While he was talking about DonorSee, he pulled up videos of…

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Hobby Lobby-Christian Mission

There are numerous companies out there that demonstrate redemptive entrepreneurship and there are many food chains and well-known stores that participate in it. Hobby Lobby is a more well-known outlet that has greatly demonstrated what it’s like to have a well-run Christian business. They are a home decor company that facilitates the Christian lifestyle. They…

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Christian Fashion: Fabrics of Faith

Fashion and Culture Fashion is a way people express their personality and passions. Yet, Christians are notorious for having either bad taste in fashion or signing it off altogether. The word bland comes to mind for many people when they imagine “Christian clothing.” Christian fashion is considered boring, or Christians just conform to the culture…

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Embodying the Gospel.

There are four mindsets that we ought to have when are trying to spread the gospel to those around us. However, it is critical to have these values when we are establishing a gospel-minded organization. They are the following… Embody the gospel. Seek empathy. Prototype everything. Multiply your impact. Embodying the gospel is– at least…

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A year into the Digital Age of Ministry

It has been a year since the world was thrown into the age of media as our main source of communication with the world. For many businesses, they have finally developed a well-oiled system that incorporates as little human interaction. This is due to the efficiency of the interweb. People have figured out how to…

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“Praxis is a creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to love their neighbors and renew culture” ( Praxis enhances their message as theĀ future of culture. They believe that the world needs entrepreneurs and builders who follow an alternative script of purpose, success & human flourishing. Praxis highlights…

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Seat King – A Redemptive Opportunity

What defines a “redemptive business?” For starters, we can think of this concept of a “redemptive entrepreneur” as someone who seeks to embody the gospel in creating and building a venture that leaves a meaningful impact on the world ( “Businesses built by these kinds of entrepreneurs may engage in ‘evangelism’ as traditionally defined –…

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Every Shelter – Scott Key

While a college student at Rice University Scott Key, along with the help of another student founded Every Shelter. The two young men saw the problem of shelter for displaced individuals across the globe, and came up with a solution. Every Shelter is a non profit designed to provide relief goods to those living in…

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