+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

A year into the Digital Age of Ministry

It has been a year since the world was thrown into the age of media as our main source of communication with the world. For many businesses, they have finally developed a well-oiled system that incorporates as little human interaction. This is due to the efficiency of the interweb. People have figured out how to […]


“Praxis is a creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to love their neighbors and renew culture” (praxislabs.org). Praxis enhances their message as the future of culture. They believe that the world needs entrepreneurs and builders who follow an alternative script of purpose, success & human flourishing. Praxis highlights […]

Seat King – A Redemptive Opportunity

What defines a “redemptive business?” For starters, we can think of this concept of a “redemptive entrepreneur” as someone who seeks to embody the gospel in creating and building a venture that leaves a meaningful impact on the world (faithdriveninvestor.org). “Businesses built by these kinds of entrepreneurs may engage in ‘evangelism’ as traditionally defined – […]

Every Shelter – Scott Key

While a college student at Rice University Scott Key, along with the help of another student founded Every Shelter. The two young men saw the problem of shelter for displaced individuals across the globe, and came up with a solution. Every Shelter is a non profit designed to provide relief goods to those living in […]

Budding Creationss Part 3: What’s Next?

Recap: Chole Hartman started an online t-shirt business titled Budding Creationss. Her goal was to find a common and light-hearted way to share the gospel in one’s daily life. She has found it difficult to make any sales because she feels that her primary target market, fellow Christians, is more concerned with losing the worldly […]

We Need Entrepreneurs, Not More Fishermen

One of the most important and versatile skills that can be learned today is how to be an entrepreneur. This does not necessarily mean starting your own business, but it could mean employing entrepreneurial practices like empathy, experimentation, creativity, and reflection in day-to-day life. This is especially true in modern day churches. As more people […]

Budding.Creationss: The Challenges

With Hartman’s new e-commerce idea launched and out in the public, she has come across some surprising realizations. While she received a lot of positive feedback from her fellow Christian friends, they did not buy her clothes. They do not normally wear clothes that have verses on them. They were positive about the idea but […]

Covid-19 and Its Effect On the State of Church Worship

It is safe to say at this point that Covid-19 has created many difficulties across the world regarding all gatherings and group-related activities. Local Churches and Sunday activities are no exception to this. Due to state mandates and a lack of general safety for their congregations, churches large and small, old and new have all […]

Modern Churches Adapting to Change

Amid a sweeping pandemic this past year, one of the most affected groups have been churches and their ministries. During the early days of Covid-19, churches became empty as in-person services stopped and participants watched live-streamed services from the comfort of their own homes. When you think of “entrepreneurship” you might think of new and […]