

Etsy In order to have a business that impacts others it is important to make sure it is redemptive. Having…

5 months ago

Prison Fellowship

Prison Fellowship There are a lot of Christian organizations all over the world. Some are very public about their faith…

5 months ago

Greyston Bakery

Greyston Bakery Greyston Bakery has a very interesting story. It was founded in 1982 by Bernie Glassman who was a…

5 months ago

World Vision

World Vision World Vision is a Christian humanitarian organization with a kingdom impact. It was founded in 1950 by Bob…

5 months ago

Dave Ramsey and His Entrepreneurial Story

One entrepreneurial venture that I personally enjoy, is the story of Dave Ramsey. Today, people know him as a millionaire…

6 months ago

Elevated Faith

Elevated Faith, a Christian clothing and jewelry brand that has flourished over the past seven years. Elevated Faith's mission is…

6 months ago

Chick-Fil-A & Hobby Lobby

Chick-Fil-A & Hobby Lobby Since I am going into business after college, I always thought it was interesting to hear…

6 months ago


Everyone knows the iconic logo, some call it "the Lord's chicken." It's cult-like following has accumulated for good reason too.…

1 year ago

Elevated Faith – #1 Blog Post

Elevated Faith I think the organization Elevated Faith is demonstrating entrepreneurial practices. The founder for Elevated Faith is Josh Gander.…

2 years ago

Mission in the Marketplace

Sometimes as Christians we can fail to see the world of business as having any connection or relevance to Christianity…

2 years ago