+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

Coffee Culture and Community

Alabaster Coffee Roaster and Tea Co. is a small, family-owned coffee bar located in Williamsport, Pennsylvania. Since 2010, the mission of Alabaster’s has been to create community through coffee culture. In their mission statement, they stress the importance of respecting all people in the process, from their employees to the farmers in Central and South […]

Darling Media: Redemptive Feminism

Culture: Negative Feminism Recently, culture has been teaching women to adhere to an unrealistic standard of beauty. Social media has only made the situation worse through filters and constant comparison. Feminism surfaced as a way to fight for women’s rights, but it has often gone about achieving this in harmful ways, which has led to […]

Cultural Creativity in Canada

In the northern regions of Canada, several people groups have been isolated. Tribes of broken men, women, and children were hurt in unspeakable ways by the Catholic Church in the late 1900s which created a deep mistrust of Christians and foreign religions. A mission organization saw this and sent missionaries to these people. After years […]

Christian Fashion: Fabrics of Faith

Fashion and Culture Fashion is a way people express their personality and passions. Yet, Christians are notorious for having either bad taste in fashion or signing it off altogether. The word bland comes to mind for many people when they imagine “Christian clothing.” Christian fashion is considered boring, or Christians just conform to the culture […]

Alaska Airlines Discontinues Decades-Long Christian Tradition

Alaska Airlines is America’s 7th largest aircraft transport organization regarding passenger traffic. In the 1970s, AA began handing out prayer cards with its in flight meals after observing the practice done by competition. The cards simply had the verse of a specific prayer that was intended to not only market the Christian faith but also […]

Do We Need Servant Evangelism?

It is said that deeds of love plus words of love plus adequate time equals servant evangelism. But what is servant evangelism? Servant evangelism is a way often used to guide people to Christ through generous and kind actions. These can range anywhere from free car washes, holiday outreaches, leaf raking, or even toilet cleaning! […]


“Praxis is a creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to love their neighbors and renew culture” (praxislabs.org). Praxis enhances their message as the future of culture. They believe that the world needs entrepreneurs and builders who follow an alternative script of purpose, success & human flourishing. Praxis highlights […]


Music is all around us and is considered a big influence in numerous cultures all over the world. There are so many different types of music including: rap, country, rock, hip-hop, soul, R&B, jazz and countless more. “Dream Label Group is a Christian company in business to reach the lost. DREAM doesn’t see the lines […]

Every Shelter – Scott Key

While a college student at Rice University Scott Key, along with the help of another student founded Every Shelter. The two young men saw the problem of shelter for displaced individuals across the globe, and came up with a solution. Every Shelter is a non profit designed to provide relief goods to those living in […]