+01 452 4587254
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Do We Need Servant Evangelism?

It is said that deeds of love plus words of love plus adequate time equals servant evangelism. But what is servant evangelism? Servant evangelism is a way often used to guide people to Christ through generous and kind actions. These can range anywhere from free car washes, holiday outreaches, leaf raking, or even toilet cleaning! […]


“Praxis is a creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to love their neighbors and renew culture” (praxislabs.org). Praxis enhances their message as theĀ future of culture. They believe that the world needs entrepreneurs and builders who follow an alternative script of purpose, success & human flourishing. Praxis highlights […]

Churchlessness in a pandemic

As America grows increasingly secular, frequent church attendance has begun to phase out. Skepticism and apathy are prevalent, and in the youngest generation, more and more people claim to be irreligious. Now, with the world in only a semi-functioning state, churches have had to create new ways to reach both their congregation and nonchristians. But […]