
On Monday, we had Chadwyck Cobb come and speak to the class over Zoom, talking about his life and work experiences after graduating from Grove City College. His current job is with DonorSee where he is the head of partnerships since March of 2020. While he was talking about DonorSee, he pulled up videos of…

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Hobby Lobby-Christian Mission

There are numerous companies out there that demonstrate redemptive entrepreneurship and there are many food chains and well-known stores that participate in it. Hobby Lobby is a more well-known outlet that has greatly demonstrated what it’s like to have a well-run Christian business. They are a home decor company that facilitates the Christian lifestyle. They…

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A Fashion Business Born from Tragedy

The majority of fashion companies today are only concerned with their own benefit, and those who engage in any sort of good outside the company are rare. Grace and Lace, however, is a clothing company that is having a great impact beyond their own success. Grace and Lace founder Melissa Hinnant began what would later…

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Grace Community Church: Grace Beyond

As a large church, Grace Community Church has the ability to reach individuals across the globe. With domestic outreach programs to global ones from Latin America to Asia. I was most interested in their work in Southeast Asia. Islam is the most widespread religion in Southeast Asia, with over 280 million participating members. It is…

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In 1951, Bill Bright had this unique call to invest his life in helping reach the entire world for Christ. With a willing heart, he began what we know as Campus Crusade For Christ, or “Cru.” He began this ministry on UCLA campus fall of 1951 with a 24 hour prayer chain. Within the first…

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Every Shelter – Scott Key

While a college student at Rice University Scott Key, along with the help of another student founded Every Shelter. The two young men saw the problem of shelter for displaced individuals across the globe, and came up with a solution. Every Shelter is a non profit designed to provide relief goods to those living in…

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Charity Water: Clean Water can Change Everything.

Approximately 785 million people in the world currently live without clean water. These people without clean water most often live away from any infrastructure which means to get the clean water they have to travel quite a distance. When people have to prioritize most of their day toward traveling to get clean water, they are…

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John Piper

John Piper is a world-renowned author in the theology field. Having authored over 50 books, he is yet to receive a penny of the earnings from any of his books. Piper works with Desiring God who pays him a yearly salary, and he believes that salary is enough to support him and his wife. The…

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Music to God’s Ears.

For a very long time, there was a stereotype about rap and the kind of music that was appropriate for worship. Many did not like the idea of music that was often so vulgar being appropriate to the Lord. Is this perception still the case? Many would say yes, but there has been substantial change…

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There is HOPE in Coffee

No – I don’t mean that there is actual, dependable hope in the wonderful, caffeinated drink too many of us depend on throughout the day, widely known as coffee. This hope I speak of is found in the heart of a company called HOPE Coffee, who proudly serves their customers as an openly Christian coffee…

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