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Business as a Communications Platform for the Gospel

Image Source: Christianity Today Advancing the Gospel simply means to communicate the message of the Gospel to others.  The premise is, if people are properly exposed to the Gospel, the Holy Spirit will work in them to bring them to accept it.  In other words, Christ changes hearts. Our job is simply to tell. But […]

Something to Keep in Mind…

Those of us thinking about redemptive entrepreneurship are constantly thinking about what we can do better so that people engage with the Gospel. We think we need to find inefficiencies in our business model. We think we need more donors so we have more funding to do more outreach. We think we need famous guest […]

Your Brokenness is Welcome Here

I talked about one of my favorite public figures last time and I am just as excited to share about another one of my favorite girls this week. Jordan Lee Dooley is the founder of SoulScripts and the SHE podcast. This woman is so inspiring and I adore listening to her wisdom. She started out […]

Creative Language & Creative Filters

Image Source: Photo by Steve Meddle/REX/Shutterstock (4621228m) Person Holding Apple Iphone 6 Smartphone Various Inspired from Justin Dosch’s lecture, I decided to look further into the idea that Jesus used creative language in order to reach the people of His day. Often times when Jesus was preaching He would speak in parables. Jesus did not […]

Why do people refuse to come to Jesus?

In class we discussed several reasons as to why people may not accept Jesus. This topic is something that hits home for me – literally. I am the first follower of Christ in my family, including extended family (expect one cousin). Many people I love do not know the love of my life, but reasons […]

Reaching the “Churchless”

Examining the daily news cycle, it’s not hard to recognize that there has been an undeniable cultural shift in the last 20-30 years. Obvious examples of this shift can be seen in the pop culture. These trends are important to recognize and adapt to, however, I believe that there is something much more significant occurring […]

“Why Embrace Missional Entrepreneurship”

Often argued, Christians who want to change the work place can’t because they are too unprepared, not equipped, naive, etc. It has been made clear over and over in the Bible that God is an entrepreneur, who provides new solutions to every problem. Antonin Ficatier refers to Exodus 14, where after the Israelites successfully crossed […]

Gen Z and the Gospel

One thing that I found interesting about this class was our discussion about Gen Z and what the disconnect is between that specific generation and the church. After our class discussion on what the possible problems are, someone in my group mentioned that today’s generation just does not have an accurate understanding of what the […]