The Purpose Hotel

  The Purpose Hotel is an inspiring endeavor, it is truly an engine for change. Started by Jeremy Cowart, a freelance photographer had many hotel experiences traveling for his job. Jeremy was inspired by his experiences to develop a hotel, that through hospitality, made an impact on many different levels just by staying in one…

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Hobby Lobby-A Different Type of Christian Business

As many individuals look at companies today, many may think that the success of the businesses solely came from hard work, struggle, pain, and luck, but that just isn’t all of it. For example, if you observe Hobby Lobby, you can see how a Christian Man used his faith, resources, and beliefs to guide his…

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What is Tegu?

Tegu, when first looked up, is a type of lizard, but the toy company Tegu is what’s really making a difference; they have given the people of Tegucigalpa, Honduras a chance to provide for their family. The product is a high-end type of block with magnets inside that allow for children to build with them.…

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Entreprenuership and the Local Church

In the attached video Chris Horst, the vice president of development at Hope International, talks about what it means to put together entrepreneurship and the local Church. One of the first things that Chris does is he defines what he thinks of as entrepreneurship as, “Seeing an unmet need and using the abilities given to…

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I have a dream

Everyone has to live somewhere. If they don’t have a place to live that’s called being homeless and its a serious problem. Everyone needs Christ. If they don’t have him that’s called being lost and is a serious problem. Property companies and real estate companies provide the first, why can’t the do the second as…

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