
CanaGlobal is another kingdom centered company whos goal is to assist young entrepreneurs start redemptive businesses. In their description, they say, Cana is the location where Jesus performed His first miracle. CanaGlobal is the modern-day Ekklesia where entrepreneurs and dream chasers are equipped to transform the marketplace. They also mention that their calling is to connect the dots between business, purpose, success, and faith. In the end they hope that the answer they get changes the world.

In their purpose, they mention that we are all called to co-create with God. They paint the picture very well. God created the trees and we are called to create chairs. Because we are made in his image, we are innovators and change-makers. All followers have a calling to create in a redemptive fashion.


  1. Rachel Puls on March 10, 2020 at 6:00 pm

    This sounds a lot like what Praxis does. I really like how they came up with their name. The idea of God creating the trees and people utilizing his creation to innovate is an interesting way to view redemptive entrepreneurship and one that I think a lot of people don’t realize.

  2. Gretta Kriner on March 10, 2020 at 7:05 pm

    This sounds very similar to Praxis. I didn’t realize that Cana was the location of Jesus first miracle. I am glad that there are more and more businesses accelerators that are focusing on redemptive impact.