Business as Mission
Business as Mission, also known as BAM, is an organization that helps create and grow for-profit, sustainable businesses that are intentional about ‘Kingdom of God’ purposes. “Business as Mission addresses the economic, social, environmental, and spiritual needs of unreached peoples and vulnerable communities.” Their goal as an organization is to help Christians who have dreams of starting their own businesses. These businesses are designed as for-profit businesses, meaning that their goal is to make money. But while these businesses are making money, they are also focusing on the needs of people and communities, especially those who have yet to hear the gospel.
BAM believes that business is part of God’s design for a flourishing world, and that entrepreneurs and businesspeople are gifted and called by God to join in the mission of sharing the love of Jesus all over the world. They aim to help fulfil the Great Commission, which is to make disciples of all nations. Business and mission can easily be intertwined today, because in every part of life there are opportunities to share the love of Christ with those around us. Whether you are an electrician, a doctor, a librarian, or a missionary, we are all called to love others and bless even those who do harm to us.
Business leaders today see global issues as business opportunities, and Christian businesspeople have an opportunity to take the good news of Jesus into places where it has not reached yet. Business as Mission is unique in that it involves people from all fields who are working to advance the Kingdom of God. This includes people in business, churches, education, and many other fields of work and walks of life. BAM aims for spiritual transformation, social transformation, financial sustainability, and environmental sustainability, and hopes to build up a generation of people who are business-minded and who hope to share the love of Jesus in a way that hasn’t been done before.