Balance of Work, Relationships, and Rest

In the opening chapter of Genesis, we are provided with a purpose of how to spend our time, and an example of how to balance our time. Genesis 1:26-28 states the purpose of the creation of man in the cultural mandate. The cultural mandate as stated in Genesis 1:28 (NIV) is for man (who is created in God’s image) to “be fruitful and increase in number; fill the earth and subdue it.” As Christians we should strive to meet this cultural mandate in a manner that balances relationships, work, and rest.

The first part of the cultural mandate is for man to multiply and fill the earth. This directive to multiple and fill the earth strikes at the core of human, because we were made to be relational creatures, Genesis 2:18 (NIV) “it is not good for man to be alone.” In order to be fruitful and multiply, humans must shape and develop relationships with one another, and to build relationships requires a balance in work life and your home life.

The second part of the cultural mandate is for man to subdue the earth. To subdue the earth requires man to be innovators and creators themselves.

 Man was created and ordered to “rule over the fish of the sea and the birds of the air and over every living creature that moves on the ground.” To rule over every living creature, requires man to work, and after the fall has required man to work very hard. Although we are instructed to work, we must not neglect our time in building relationships, which is often the case in our culture today. People can become workaholics and neglect their responsibility to the people in their lives.

So how do we balance are duties to relationships and to our jobs? Genesis 1 and 2 provide us with the example of God who for six days worked and created the heavens and the earth, but on the seventh day “He rested from His work.” In the creation story of Genesis, we are provided with the example of how God has this perfect relationship in the trinity, a relationship with His creation, and continued to work on creation and ultimately retested from his work. We as Christians innovators and entrepreneurs should strive to work hard and work well in our jobs, without neglecting the relationships that we have, and finally we need to take time and rest and give God praise.



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