+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

More than Just Wood Flooring

Many of you Grovers (and others) might have some familiarity with The Masters Craft wood flooring company.  They are a for profit wood flooring supplier in the mid-west and south.  They are well know for donating, volunteering, and contributing to many different ministries. But recently they took to giving to local food pantries. This was […]

Economic Relief, Innovation, and… Churches?

Many of you might be wondering, how do churches relate to the new federal stimulus package? With many small businesses, mom and pop stores, and even large corporations such as Starbucks struggling due to the government shutdown the the government recently released that it will loan out money to many businesses to help pay utilities, […]

Pat Williams – The Man, The Myth, The Leader

You may or may not recognize the name of the NBA hall of fame member, former GM of both professional basketball and baseball teams, and author of more than 100 books (yes, I did say that correctly… 100+ books).  He was also a founding member of the Orlando Magic NBA team. In many of Pat’s […]

High Schoolers Around the Globe

You were made for this. Well, at least you were made for a relationship with Jesus. That is what Young Life is attempting to tell every high school, middle school, and special needs student around the globe.  Over 100 countries have Young Life in them. And more than 2 million kids are being reached out […]

The Bible Project Learning Experience

Today there are many people that turn to the internet to learn.  I find myself constantly using YouTube, a great resource available to learn about anything and everything.  As I grew in my faith and read the Bible more consistently on my own I came across so many terms, phrases, and ideas that I found […]