+01 452 4587254
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Reminder of Redemption

As I look back on the semester and think about how much we have learned and brainstormed, I am amazed at all the creativity in our class. I feel overwhelmed and blessed to be made in the image of God, and am so thankful for how He has given us the amazing gift of innovation. […]

Pine needles, galaxies, and e-minors

I have had the same lock screen on my phone for a while and thought it was such a good message that I would pass it on. I am sure that most of you are familiar with Francis Chan, one of the most influential pastors in the Christian community. In his book Crazy Love he […]

Your Brokenness is Welcome Here

I talked about one of my favorite public figures last time and I am just as excited to share about another one of my favorite girls this week. Jordan Lee Dooley is the founder of SoulScripts and the SHE podcast. This woman is so inspiring and I adore listening to her wisdom. She started out […]

You are NOT enough.

Recently I stumbled upon a video that caught my attention. It was a short clip on Instagram from a podcast titled, “Myths Christian Women Believe.” The first sentence in the video was, “Myth number one is that ‘you are enough’. Um…no you’re not.” Yeah, you read that right. I was taken aback, and honestly felt […]