Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family is another incredible organization that is committed to spreading the Gospel to families that need it the most. This organization makes broadcasts and programs that families can use to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus and strengthen their faith in these truths. They help families thrive through these resources and…

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Samaritan’s Purse

We have all heard the name Samaritan’s Purse, and they have even come up in the news recently related to the covid-19 pandemic across the united states because they set up a relief hospital in Central Park. Samaritan’s Purse is a great organization that is set up to provide countries relief after they have experienced…

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Compassion International

Compassion International is an awesome company that has the goal of “releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name.” With Compassion, people are able to “sponsor” a child and provide financial support for that child in underdeveloped countries across the world. Compassion has a church focus, meaning that they are committed to sharing the good news…

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Impact Foundation

What if there was a company that was set up to help redemptive minded companies get themselves off the ground and help to grow their companies. Companies like Praxis and other organizations are committed to these goals. One of these companies is the Impact Foundation. The Impact Foundation is an organization that blends the traditional…

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Evangel Ministries

One of the big questions surrounding a church is how that church is going to have a positive on that church’s surrounding community. For many churches this looks consists of programs like soup kitchens, homeless shelters, or other volunteer organizations. While these are all excellent programs, Evangel Ministries, which is located in one of America’s…

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Project Flourish

In Texas, something quite amazing is happening in the church and the world of entrepreneurship. The First Presbyterian Church of Houston, which is located in Texas has launched an ambitious project that is designed to connect entrepreneurs all over the world to one another in order to foster new ideas to help community outreach. This…

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