Shine Among Them-A Redemptive Soap Business

“Shine Among Them” is an organic soap company that is run out of Greensburg, PA. I am friends with the owner and have had the pleasure to try some of the products myself. The main goal of the company is to provide cleansing soap without all of the junk that is in main brands. The…

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The Bible App and Digital Ministry

Up until recently, I had not really used the Bible app. I had my physical Bible, so why would I ever need to open the one on my phone? Yes, it is nice to have constant access to scripture, but if I ever needed an encouraging verse, I would just look up “encouraging Bible verses”…

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My Home Church and It’s Cultural Impact

Whichever way you may take this, the way that churches are run can greatly impact how a visitor/member views God and Christianity. On one hand, if a church is run extraordinarily well, it will cultivate a space where people are more comfortable accepting the Gospel and living for Christ. On the other hand, if a…

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