There is HOPE in Coffee

No – I don’t mean that there is actual, dependable hope in the wonderful, caffeinated drink too many of us depend on throughout the day, widely known as coffee. This hope I speak of is found in the heart of a company called HOPE Coffee, who proudly serves their customers as an openly Christian coffee…

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Light of Life Rescue Mission

If you’ve ever volunteered at a homeless shelter, you probably have a solid perspective on what Light of Life Rescue Mission is all about. Light of Life is a ministry centered around providing food and shelter for the homeless, while also making a point to “build disciples for the Kingdom of God among the poor,…

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Empowering the Church to Serve the Most Vulnerable

World Relief Atlanta, a non-profit organization, is on a mission to empower the local Church to serve the most vulnerable – refugees and immigrants. Their vision throughout their organization is to not only provide these people with economic, social, and spiritual change, but to also partner with the local Church in doing that, which sets…

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What a D.light!

I’m sure as you sit here reading this on either your cell-phone or your computer, the thought of not having electricity at the tip of your fingers is unfathomable. Cofounders Sam Goldman and Ned Tozun of D.light discovered through research that one in three people in the world do not have the opportunity to appreciate…

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Would You Hire an Ex-Felon?

In the article, “Ex-Felon, Redemptive Entrepreneur,” Jay Hein brings to life the reality ex-felons face post-prison. These people have to check a box clarifying their “ex-felon” status, often referred to as a “second sentence–the stigma and real restrictions that accompany the formerly incarcerated in job interviews, housing applications, school field trip permission slips, and more.”…

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“Beginner’s Pluck” – It’s Worth the Read

I embarrassingly admit that I read maybe four or five books each year (aside from for school), but “Beginner’s Pluck” was a quick, four-hour plane ride read that I thoroughly enjoyed and would highly recommend for anybody looking to make an impact, find a purpose, or enjoy a humorous read. Liz Forkin Bohannon, the author,…

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