+01 452 4587254
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Church Leadership and Developing the Entrepreneur

What does it mean to believe in Jesus? Today, we think of belief as an intellectual experiment. “Yeah, this is some pretty good logic, so I’ll believe in *insert your religion, philosophy, political party, etc. here.*” But that’s not how the New Testament writers thought of belief. For instance, in John 3:16, when it says […]

Selfishness Needs to take a Back Seat

Pete Ochs. His simple, two-syllable name is a fascinating juxtaposition to a not-so-simple lifestyle. After growing up on a farm and learning how to work hard and be diligent, he started his career in commercial banking. After almost a decade of work in commercial banking, he opened his own investment firm, which became remarkably successful. […]

Something to Keep in Mind…

Those of us thinking about redemptive entrepreneurship are constantly thinking about what we can do better so that people engage with the Gospel. We think we need to find inefficiencies in our business model. We think we need more donors so we have more funding to do more outreach. We think we need famous guest […]