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Local Church and Local Business

Image Source: Most Holy Trinity Parish The church is a world changer. One of the many aspects of redemptive entrepreneurship is the furthering of the gospel through businesses. As we discussed in class, the size of a church does not dictate the amount of impact it can have on society. All it takes is a […]

Redeeming Education

Image source: Evolve Digitas Redemptive Entrepreneurship often comes in a variety of forms. In class we have discussed toy manufacturing companies, food industries, and a variety of humanitarian efforts that aim to help people’s physical and spiritual needs. I would like to turn your attention to the overwhelming need that exists in the educational sector. […]

Creative Language & Creative Filters

Image Source: Photo by Steve Meddle/REX/Shutterstock (4621228m) Person Holding Apple Iphone 6 Smartphone Various Inspired from Justin Dosch’s lecture, I decided to look further into the idea that Jesus used creative language in order to reach the people of His day. Often times when Jesus was preaching He would speak in parables. Jesus did not […]