Redemptive ENTR

Chick-fil-A does a quality job of walking in the world of redemptive entrepreneurship. While they do not classify themselves as a ‘Christian’ company, they certainly reflect God’s love. Chick-fil-A is known for having great customer service. People actively choose to go there as a consumer because of the quality service that they will get. The…

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Path Less Traveled

It is easy to fall victim to routines. They provide comfort, and so to walk outside of what is known as status-quo, is a path not so often taken. However, some people and organizations do take this path. They do this because they see the potential for a higher level of impact than the traditional…

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Christian Organizations with ENTR Styles

World Vision is a Christian organization that operates with entrepreneurial practices. It is not uncommon for a non-profit of any sort to to ask for donations, however, World Vision goes about this in a unique sense. They have people sponsor specific children, in which people can actually put a face with the child to which…

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Kingdom Impact

Business is a valid arena to have a Kingdom impact. Businesses have a platform (their customers), they have funds, and they have cultural authority over those employed by them. All of these things can be used on their own to make a positive impact for the Kingdom, but when a single source (a company) puts…

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Best Practices in Church Growth, Effective Ministry and Mission

One of the best practices in church growth comes from being involved and engaged with the community surrounding the church. When people see a local church serving the community, they are more willing to try the church since they see examples of the members practicing what they preach, which can not be said for every…

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Leaving the 99

The saying “if something isn’t broken, don’t fix it” conflicts with the biblical pattern of God being one who is making all things new and constantly innovating. When things seem to be working fine, it is easy to resist change, as we do not like to change what is working for us. However, the Lord…

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