+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

Matthew 25

Simple acts of service are often underrated in western culture. As a senior, it’s easy for me to think and hope big, and hope I will have a big impact for the kingdom of God. If there is a time where I will do something crazy, or cool, or bring about some change, then awesome. […]

Churchlessness in a pandemic

As America grows increasingly secular, frequent church attendance has begun to phase out. Skepticism and apathy are prevalent, and in the youngest generation, more and more people claim to be irreligious. Now, with the world in only a semi-functioning state, churches have had to create new ways to reach both their congregation and nonchristians. But […]

Community Impact Through Entrepreneurship

Every business has opportunities for redemptive impact. Your business does not have to be a non-profit or charity to help people with their physical and spiritual needs. Lamon Luther of Atlanta, Georgia, is a furniture company. Making wooden furniture may not seem to be a “high calling,” but Lamon Luther believes all vocations have value. […]