The Power of a Good Story

When Jesus came down to earth and started his ministry among the people of Israel, he communicated in stories. Jesus understood the impact of narrative. Many of the most complicated theological concepts are contextualized through his famous parables. In the same way, Christian entrepreneurs should seek to emulate that characteristic of our Lord and Savior. […]

Lean Times

This class discusses the intersection of sound business principles and strong personal faith. Our class and this department constantly interact with many wildly successful redemptive entrepreneurs, who have discovered how to properly integrate these two seemingly opposed ideas. We could be forgiven for thinking that redemptive entrepreneurship is easy. I want to relate my limited […]

Wear’s Valley Ranch

Wear’s Valley Ranch, located in the mountains outside Pigeon Forge in Eastern Tennessee, is a home for children that cares about redemptive entrepreneurship. The ranch allows at-risk children to flourish in a safe, Christian environment.  The ranch provides stable homes and personalized education programs for the kids. According to Pastor Jim Woods, the founder of […]