Posts by FilbyGC1
Dare to Defy
Dare to Defy is an organization that seeks to help former convicts. While touring a prison, Catherine Hoke, who worked in a New York venture capital firm at the time, suddenly noticed “the similarities between Silicon Valley entrepreneurs and incarcerated people – relentless drive, resourcefulness, and extraordinary hustle.” She began to learn more about the…
Read MoreThe Power of a Good Story
When Jesus came down to earth and started his ministry among the people of Israel, he communicated in stories. Jesus understood the impact of narrative. Many of the most complicated theological concepts are contextualized through his famous parables. In the same way, Christian entrepreneurs should seek to emulate that characteristic of our Lord and Savior.…
Read MoreLean Times
This class discusses the intersection of sound business principles and strong personal faith. Our class and this department constantly interact with many wildly successful redemptive entrepreneurs, who have discovered how to properly integrate these two seemingly opposed ideas. We could be forgiven for thinking that redemptive entrepreneurship is easy. I want to relate my limited…
Read MoreWear’s Valley Ranch
Wear’s Valley Ranch, located in the mountains outside Pigeon Forge in Eastern Tennessee, is a home for children that cares about redemptive entrepreneurship. The ranch allows at-risk children to flourish in a safe, Christian environment. The ranch provides stable homes and personalized education programs for the kids. According to Pastor Jim Woods, the founder of…
Read MorePractical Impact and Compassion?
The Southside Church of the Nazarene is on a mission. They believe their church should be defined by how they practically care for the community around them. They ask a very simple question: “Is this church community such a force of good, are we so compassionate, that if our church were to suddenly disappear, the…
Read MoreDigital Discipleship
With the rise of social media and the increasing problem of uncivilized public discourse surrounding the topic of religion, it can be difficult for Christians to find theological rich articles about the issues facing modern society. The Gospel Coalition is a digital platform for sound pastors and church leaders to share their opinions on topics…
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