Work and the Bible

Earlier this semester, I wrote a post about being a Christian in the workplace and balancing, work, relationships and rest. This post will look more into the importance of work and the biblical perspective of work. The importance of work in scripture is evident from the start, and man was created to work. “The Lord…

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Boil Some Tea

  Recently I heard a lecture given by CEO of Panera Blain Hurst. During the presentation Mr. Hurst offered some words of advice to his audience of mostly college students, and something he said stood out more than all other advice he gave that night. Mr. Hurst told these students, “Don’t boil the ocean, start…

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The Importance of Perspective:

The four stages of a company’s development according to Praxis are Concept, Launch, Prove, and Scale. In these four stages it is important for a company to never lose focus on their mission and vision. Many companies will enter the development process with a great concept, and a good mission and vision. They will then…

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Christian in Everything

When doing business, many entrepreneurs will blend their faith with their business. Others will blend social actions with their commercial business. When a company blends the commercial actions of their business with their social actions, they act philanthropically. When a company blends their Christian faith with their commercial actions and acts in a manner that…

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Subtle Christian Companies

Brands like Chick-fil-A and Hobby Lobby have alienated some customers as they have stood by their religious views. However, other companies’ religious beliefs are less obvious even though they are right under customer’s noses. These brands hide Bible verses and other religious content in plain sight. One example of a company that does this is…

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Balance of Work, Relationships, and Rest

In the opening chapter of Genesis, we are provided with a purpose of how to spend our time, and an example of how to balance our time. Genesis 1:26-28 states the purpose of the creation of man in the cultural mandate. The cultural mandate as stated in Genesis 1:28 (NIV) is for man (who is…

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