+01 452 4587254
8108 W. Saxon Street

Hagan’s #3

After we left Hagan’s, we knew we had a lot of work to do. As we began the work, we realized how much we could do for Hagan’s with some very simple changes. We made several new logo options to present them with. We mocked up a new website for them that was able to […]

Hagan’s Pt. #1

Hagan’s Christian Church is a rural church in northern West Virginia. Our team was tasked with helping them to modernize their technology by revamping their website, aligning their marketing through a newer, sleeker logo, and giving them suggestions on wifi routers and range extenders to improve bandwidth for better streaming. Our initial virtual meeting with […]


Praxis is an organization that seeks to spread Redemptive Entrepreneurship throughout the United States and the world. This mission is this: “Praxis is a creative engine for redemptive entrepreneurship, supporting founders, funders, and innovators motivated by their faith to love their neighbors and renew culture.” Their goal is to support the entrepreneurs within Christ’s church to […]

Redemptive Entrepreneurship

Praxis Academy coined the term Redemptive Entrepreneurship.  According to Praxis, there are three rings to the redemptive framework: Exploitative, Ethical, and Redemptive. Exploitative Entrepreneurship is when a company exists only for profit, and will do anything to achieve profit even if it means exploiting their customers. Ethical Entrepreneurship is when a company engages in ethical business practices […]