Techless: The Wisephone

Smartphones: The Social Dilemma While smartphones were invented to improve social connection, they have done just the opposite. Social media has created an endless list of issues for GenZ, or at least heightened those issues to an extreme. All generations are addicted to their phones, but it feels like we could not live without them.…

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Martin Bionics: Redeeming Legs

A Fallen World Becasue we live in a fallen world, there is brokeness not just in our souls but in our bodies. There is disease, hunger, scars, and genetic disfunction. Another major problem is the loss of limbs. What does someone do when they lose a limb, especially a leg? The human life includes hours…

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The Purpose Hotel: Intentional Hospitality

Purposeless Hotels Most of us have stayed in a hotel before. Maybe it was for a vacation, during a move, or while on a road trip. But that hotel was nothing more than a utility to us; it was just somewhere to stay. There are thousands of hotels in America and around the world that…

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Lasting: Redeeming Marriage

The Marriage Crisis There are currently over 750,000 divorces in the United States each year. The chance of divorce in America has been slightly declining since the 1990s, but not by much. People are still struggling in their marriages, whether Christian or not. Unfortunately, many people still do not consider receiving  counseling for their marital…

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Darling Media: Redemptive Feminism

Culture: Negative Feminism Recently, culture has been teaching women to adhere to an unrealistic standard of beauty. Social media has only made the situation worse through filters and constant comparison. Feminism surfaced as a way to fight for women’s rights, but it has often gone about achieving this in harmful ways, which has led to…

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Christian Fashion: Fabrics of Faith

Fashion and Culture Fashion is a way people express their personality and passions. Yet, Christians are notorious for having either bad taste in fashion or signing it off altogether. The word bland comes to mind for many people when they imagine “Christian clothing.” Christian fashion is considered boring, or Christians just conform to the culture…

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