Alaska Air – no longer Chrisitan centered

As a fellow Alaskan, I have the privilege of receiving benefits for flying Alaska Air. I have miles and a rank for how many miles I have flown. Sadly, I had no idea that in the previous years of Alaska Air’s existence that it was considered a Christian company. Apparently during long flights when the flight attendants would hand out meals to the passengers they too were handed a prayer card. There was a wide range of responses when received, such as joy and comfort to anger and disturbed.

Sadly the company of Alaska Air decided to take away the prayer cards altogether. They said they have seen more passengers, not like the prayer card more than the passengers who do. Alaska Air is now known as a great example when a business strives towards God and when they were causing waves to rock the boat the people complained. In order to potentially save the business from a future disaster of a lack of customers flying their airline, they conformed to society and de – evangelized themselves.

Jesus did say it would not be easy to be his follower. People will treat his disciples just as they treated him. Alaska Air felt that angry threat of trouble and decided to not continue due to popular views. Such are the many challenges faced in a business. The bigger the wave the bigger of impact, the bigger response of rejection.


  1. mosleylc18 on May 5, 2021 at 2:43 pm

    I appreciate your perspective on this issue and agree – it is sad to see a Christian company cave to negative responses. Unfortunately, these responses indicated that conversations were being started and they were on the right track if they had stayed on that path. They removed the prayer cards, but is there anything else they substituted the program with? Or is there another redemptive angle to this company that just isn’t as well-known?