National parks, for many years, have been a significant contributor to the status of modern culture. Attendance analysis indicates a steady increase in the number of visitors the top 10 national park systems are servicing every day. More people than ever before are visiting the natural treasures of the United States.

An interesting relationship can be seen between the attendance of national parks and church attendance. While the national park visitation totals have steadily increased since the first park was opened, church attendance has experienced a major downward slope in recent years.

Warren Ost was working in Yellowstone National Park while on summer break from his studies as a seminary student at Princeton. While working there, he noticed an extreme insufficiency in the faith-based services provided for residents, visitors, and co-workers. He decided to begin hosting Sunday worship and study services in the beautiful park for people of any denomination or background. This service was designed to give people who are away from their “home church” an opportunity to still worship God in an interdenominational setting, while also being able to experience the beauty of God’s creation.

Since Ost first began conducting services, the ministry has grown and expanded to 35 national parks across the country, employing students from 100 different college campuses and 30 different seminaries. ACMNP represents over 30 varying Christian denominations. This diversity gives the organization the ability to appeal to the public in a far more relatable way because of people’s natural tendency to attend worship services which align with what they’re used to at home.

A Christian Ministry in the National Parks has developed an innovative way to connect individuals to a body of believers. One of the most incredible things about this ministry is it’s ability to bridge diverse believers together in worship and praise to the same Almighty God.


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