This clever play on the famous Shadrach, Meshach, and Abednego story in the bible is the inspiration for the beginning of a small, local coffee shop in Michigan. The story is in Daniel and the founders cite the reasonings for this allusion in their website. “It is a story of courage and bravery, patience and perseverance, strength and peace in the face of danger, and above all, faith.” They talk about these three men who had the faith and courage to do what was right and that took them out of the fire without a mark.
Coffee is something that brings people of all kinds together and people are constantly looking for the coolest new spot. ABeanToGo uses their cool atmosphere and freshly roasted coffee as a way to bring people into their store. There is no better way to disciple or make connections with people than over a good cup of coffee and the owners of this cafe feel the same. They are all about fostering the local talents and culture and bringing together the community around them. They may not necessarily have the largest range of “Kingdom Impact” but are sure making a difference in their small town.
This is a great name for a coffee shop. I feel they will begin to disciple more and do more missionary work once they are established. Great post!
I love this! A coffee shop seriously is one of the best places to connect with people, and I love that they have the goal of creating a community that can grow in the Lord and impact their town.
Really cool name, and a coffee shop really is a great place for community outreach and discipleship. It’s cool to see people utilize their love of coffee and people be able to succeed in a manner such as this and have such a great impact on others in their own community!