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A Chance for Entrepreneurship in the Church

A Chance for Entrepreneurship in the Church

With the Covid-19 crisis closing churches all across the country, churches have had to change their very traditional ways. Many are doing live-streams of the services, some are encouraging small group, but few have taken it much further. One church that has is Catching Fire Houston. Catching Fire Houston is a relatively new church and is still fairly small. Despite that, they have taken it upon themselves to continue to meet as a community weekly. Catching Fire Houston has begun to offer drive in services every Sunday. The whole congregation meets in their cars and watch a live service that they hear in their own cars via an FM transmitter. Encounter God’s Transforming PresenceDuring the service, you may notice horns honking or four-ways turned on. These have meaning and are used to further connect this community in this time of separation. A honking horn means “Amen” and four-ways means “needs prayer”. This is just another way the Catching Fire Houston has been extremely entrepreneurial during this crisis.  Additionally, this church is still emphasizing their weekly small group meetings, virtually. There are many ways for churches to still gather, but at their core they must remember the community that is necessary for proper spiritual growth and outreach. Catching Fire Houston has recognized this and emphasizes it through their drive-in meetings and virtual small groups.


  1. I have actually heard of other churches that have planned to do this. It is really cool that so many innovative church leaders have found ways to learn and adapt during these strange times.

  2. What a cool way to have fellowship during this time. Also great to think that a honking horn means amen, impatient drivers can use some prayer and amen’s over their lives.

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