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Something to Keep in Mind…

Something to Keep in Mind…

Those of us thinking about redemptive entrepreneurship are constantly thinking about what we can do better so that people engage with the Gospel. We think we need to find inefficiencies in our business model. We think we need more donors so we have more funding to do more outreach. We think we need famous guest speakers. We think we need better advertisements and partners that bring people to us. All of those things are great and important, but what does Jesus say to all of that?

In John 6:63, Jesus Christ says “It is the Spirit who gives life; the flesh is no help at all. The words that I have spoken to you are spirit and life.” Jesus tells us that no matter how innovative our business model or how different our value proposition or what color our logo is, the buck stops with the Holy Spirit.

My fellow dreamers for the kingdom, relax a little. The burden of softening people’s hearts is not yours to bear. Yes, continue to work unto the Lord in your endeavors and proclaim the truth of the Gospel, but always keep in mind that it is the Spirit at work in us that will change hearts. Jesus promises you that you can’t do it all, and that’s okay. He already paid it all on the cross, and Scripture assures us that He who calls us is faithful, and He will do it.


  1. I think that is a great reminder for everyone! It is really easy to slip into the mindset that you, your ideas, or your business plans will be the means to save someone, when in reality, the only person who can save is Christ. Thanks for posting this!

  2. mmm amen & amen!! Such an incredible post and reminder. Everything is in God’s hands, and we can not save anyone – only God can. That is so important to remember and live by. Love how this helps our mindsets shift back to the cross – which is so important in the midst of starting a ministry or business.

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