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One For Israel

One For Israel

In 1990, One for Israel was started as a Bible college in Israel.  30 years later, it has expanded to become a mission ministry with a strong digital outreach program that seeks to unite Jewish and Arab believers through Christ.  Their mission is to continue “reaching Israelis with the Good News of Yeshua, training and equipping the Body of Messiah in Israel, and blessing our community with Yeshua’s love.”  One for Israel strives to reach other nations through their digital ministry and train leaders in their Bible college to send into local communities.

In the introductory video on the organization’s homepage, President Erez Soref explains that the Bible college where the organization began is today the only accredited Hebrew-speaking seminary in the world.  Through this ministry, One for Israel seeks to train and empower biblical leaders with the intention of sending them out into communities.  They believe that sharing the gospel is the best way to help others.

More recently, they amplified their media presence and began to share testimonies of native believers.  These videos have reached 90,000,000 views worldwide.  One for Israel views the nation of Israel as a “start-up nation” and seeks to cater its evangelism approach to that environment.  Additionally, their radio station, Agape FM, is the only Messianic radio station in Israel.  This organization began in Israel and still primarily focuses on this country as its mission, but it is trying to reach out to other countries through it.  Videos and resources consult the advice of Bible scholars from the college and testimonials and video apologetics are being translated into other languages to share with the rest of the world.

In class this semester, we have talked about churched, de-churched, and unchurched peoples.  This ministry seeks to train the churched, encourage and inspire the de-churched, and reach the mass unchurched population in Israel.  According to the organization’s website, approximately 99% of Israeli Jews do not have a relationship with Jesus.  This is a massive spiritual need and they are attempting to tackle it in as many different ways as possible.

They started with a Bible college, but today they offer a thriving digital ministry to proclaim the Good News and encourage believers through testimonies and apologetic Q&As. They also began a radio station, both a soldier and an Arab outreach program, and offer women leadership programs.  Finally, they also offer humanitarian aid to their communities.  According to their website, this outreach “provides aid tangibly, consistently, and relationally to Israel’s most vulnerable.”  They do this through establishing a network of believers in a community, identifying those who need help through these networks, and offering aid through a regular, reliable schedule.  They prioritize meeting with those they help in order to form relationships and have opportunities to show Christ’s love in a real way.

This ministry is incredible in just how many offerings there are and how many different people they try to reach and connect with.  One for Israel is a mission that very much views itself as a startup.  Their mindset is for the growth and expansion of the Gospel starting with Israel and expanding into the rest of the world.

To see more of the amazing impact this organization is making, visit their website.

1 Comment

  1. This is an awesome ministry! I see them advertising on youtube every once in a while and it’s great to see the impact they are having!

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