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Christianity in the Workplace

Christianity in the Workplace

Christianity in the Workplace

Whenever someone says they are going into business, there can be push back from fellow Christians. There is a belief that as a Christian, we should all go into ministry or that there are jobs that are not “holy” enough. However, God calls us to all types of different jobs. If all of us were pastors, who would be in the congregation? Throughout the secular business world, we need Christians to be a light and show God’s love to others. This can be accomplished in direct and indirect ways. As you continue to read, we share why God calls us to all professions and about different ways you can provide a kingdom impact with Christianity in the workplace.

God Uses All People

Throughout the bible, God used doctors, fishermen, and even tax collectors for His work. This shows us that no matter our past or profession, we are able to make an impact on the spread of Christianity. This is a key way that we are able to share Christianity in the workplace

We Can Reach More People

While it is important to spur one another on towards growing closer to God, business and work allows us the opportunity to reach even more people. If we are constantly with the same group of believers, there is no way for us to reach non-believers.

Love the People

As Christians, we are in the world but not of the world. That can pose an interesting challenge of loving people who are not Christians. However, this is what God calls us exactly to do. We should not be known as a judgmental Christian that no one wants to work with. God is the ultimate judge, not us. As Christians, we can show God’s love and grace to others and help guide them towards Christ.

God can use all people in all different walks of life. More and more people are deciding to pursue business as a profession. No matter what people say, God can be calling you to pursue business rather than a strict ministry position.


  1. I really enjoyed this article you wrote, thank you for sharing! God uses his people in different ways, you can serve God in multiple ways. It doesn’t matter if you’re a doctor or a janitor. In all you do glorifying God, is all he cares about. This is really encouraging because using Gods gift does not have limits because we can reach people anywhere!

  2. I really enjoyed this post, thank you for sharing, I just wanted to add on to your point about people that God uses. Some people believe that they are not good enough for God, but God uses the least of us. Specifically, he used Rahab, a prostitute, to help the Israelites defeat the mighty city of Jericho. Just supporting that no person is too far gone for God.

  3. I like the point on God using all people including jobs that may be seen as “lowly” in society’s eyes. As Christians we need to be careful not to look down on less skilled jobs. The heart is ultimately what matters, and God uses everyone to share the good news.

  4. I really liked what you did here. I liked that you stuck to three main points and then kept them sweet and short. Easy for the reader to chew and think about. To agree and feel convicted if they have not done such a thing. Thank you for taking the time and putting this together.

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