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Why Do You and I Matter?

Why Do You and I Matter?

As I finish my semester as a student in Prof. Sweet’s Entrepreneurship and the Mission of the Church class, I’m struck by where we started— Genesis 1:27. We are made in the image of our matchless creator. But what does this mean? When I first came to Grove City College, I struggled with anxiety and mild depression. It was the first time in my life when I learned that mental health was something to work toward and grow to be better. I was sitting in my Biblical Revelation class, the first college class I ever went to, when I learned that, because God is a Creator, and because we are made in His image, we are also creators. That’s when I knew I had a difference to make in this world for the sake of Christ and only Christ. As we all know, millennials and Gen. Z-ers are struggling more with mental health than any previous generations. I’m here to give you all the same truth that Scripture gave me, whether you believe in Its authority or not— you matter. God created you, and he is sitting there waiting for you to turn to Him and say, “Lord, by my own strength, I am weak, but, by Your power and by Your Spirit, I have the capacity to change the world for Your sake. I can create beauty in a world of ugliness. I can create goodness in a world of suffering. I can create peace in a world of war. And, Lord, I can do it all because of You and for You.” Entrepreneurs, this is our time. CREATE. INNOVATE. REDEEM THE WORLD. This is God’s calling to us, and he has equipped us with His Spirit to do so. Stay rooted and Christ and heed your calling to create value for the world, and increase the kingdom as you do so. As we just celebrated this Easter season, Christ is risen, and let’s share that good news so that all may come to know that their identity is rooted in the identity of the Marvelous Creator.