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Passion guided by Christ



As you progress through life, chances are you of thought of what will happen to you in the future. Will I get married? will I get a good-paying job? what do I want to do for a living? The repeating idea of “What’s your calling” can cause you stress and overall discomfort. I get nervous, the idea of uncertainty has always lurked in the back of my head when thinking about the future. Everyone else seems to get along just fine with it but why not me? But then I learned that no one has a predetermined calling.

Now, no one is actually designed and made for a specific calling (other than glorifying god of course). Back in the day, people were trapped by family traditions and occupations, However In today’s modern day, you have a chance to be anything and everything you want to be, but how do you choose between so many different options? Over the course of one’s life, you slowly uncover the passion and joys of your life. God helps guide you, like a shepherd with his flock. Do what you love and what you have passion for, (That aligns with his vison of course). Like to set of footprints in the sand, he will be walking along side you the whole time. He loves you with all his heart and only wants the best for you. Follow his teachings, study and live by them and explore and find what’s out there in god’s beautiful world.

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  • It's so beyond me to understand that I need to make my own decisions and also God has a predetermined plan for my life. One of my favorite verses recently is Psalm 57:2, which says, "I cry out to God Most High, to God who fulfills his purpose for me." God will do His work in and through me no matter what. The pressure is off me to find and fulfill my purpose--God will do it!

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