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The SouthAmerican Mission

The SouthAmerican Mission

         When looking at redemptive minded ministries, it can be hard to tell which ones are looking to accomplish a mission of helping people or hurting people. Surprisingly, when donating or helping an organization, most people take one look at a ministry blindly without taking a deeper look into their mission, vision, or values and give their money away for the wrong reason. Thankfully, there are organizations out there that seek to do the work of the Kingdom of God and plan to help everyone they can. For example, The SouthAmerican Mission seeks day in and day out to create churches in South America and bring communities together. This organization bases their operations on five principles that guide them throughout each goal they accomplish. First, they seek to “Live as redeemed children of God” and set an example of what being a child of God is. Secondly, they look to “Reproduce authentic disciples of Jesus” and create leaders who will teach people how to live in the eyes of God. Thirdly, The SouthAmerican Mission attempts to  Multiply dynamic churches and church networks around South America specifically to reach people and give them the gospel. Fourth, “Train godly leaders” who can give the gospel to people without biases, opinions, and be fully transparent. Fifth and finally, The SouthAmerican Mission sets out to “Enable transformational initiatives.” Through each of these guiding principles, The SouthAmerican Mission builds homes for communities of believers to congregate and worship God with all they have. 

             Another interesting aspect of this organization is the doctrine they preach. The SouthAmerican Mission doesn’t shy away from the truth and puts out what they believe for all to see. Countless times, many organizations with a redemptive faith focused mindset will only put out certain aspects of their business because they are afraid that their truths will hurt or offend people, but the SouthAmerican Mission really seeks to live out their mission, vision, value, and doctrine throughout all of their aid they provide. Below is their doctrine alone with a link to their website.  

SAM(SouthAmerican Mission) Doctrine: Below


Holy Scriptures

We believe that the Bible, consisting only of the Old and New Testaments, inspired by the Holy Spirit, is inerrant in the original manuscripts. It alone is the infallible and authoritative Word of God for all matters of faith, conduct and doctrine.


We believe in the triune God, Creator and sovereign Lord of all that exists. He is infinite in His knowledge, presence, power and wisdom; perfect in love, holiness and justice. God is truly one, yet eternally self-existing in three distinct persons: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. Each person of the Godhead is equal in being, nature and power.

The Person and Work of Christ

We believe that Jesus Christ is the Son of God, the promised Messiah of the Old Testament, who was conceived by the Holy Spirit and born of the Virgin Mary at the appointed time. He was fully God and fully man without sin. He was crucified, dead, buried and on the third day He rose bodily. The shedding of His blood is sufficient for the salvation of mankind. Now He is seated at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for His people and one day He will return bodily in power and glory.

The Person and Work of the Holy Spirit

We believe that the Holy Spirit is Himself God, the third person of the Trinity, sent into the world to glorify the Lord Jesus Christ and to convict the world of sin, righteousness and judgment. At the moment of conversion the Spirit regenerates believers, indwells them and baptizes them into the body of Christ. He is given as a guarantee of their full inheritance. He imparts gifts to each Christian, as He chooses, for the edification of the Church. He fills and empowers believers who submit to Him.

Human Nature

We believe Adam and Eve were created by a direct act of God in His own image. When they disobeyed God, they were judged and punished with physical and spiritual death. As descendants of Adam, all human beings inherit this condition and its consequences, are guilty before God and are unable to approach God or be reconciled to Him on their own merit.


We believe that salvation, found in Christ alone, provides forgiveness of sin and reconciliation to God. It was purchased by the sufficient substitutionary sacrifice of Christ on the cross. It is offered by grace to all people and must be personally received by repentance and faith as God’s gift, apart from any human effort. In salvation, all believers receive the righteousness of Christ and eternal life. True believers are eternally secure and persevere. Their lives are to be characterized by spiritual growth.

The Church

We believe that the Church is divinely ordained of God to fulfill His mission in the world. This Church, under the headship of Christ, is expressed in local congregations of fellowshipping believers committed to worship, encouragement, instruction and the making of disciples. The Church is called by God to evangelize every nation and people and to be salt and light to this lost world.


We believe in the reality of Satan, a created being, the enemy of God and mankind. Although powerful in this age, he is doomed by the sacrificial death of Christ.

Future Events

We believe in the visible and personal return of Jesus Christ to culminate history. At the appointed time, the dead shall be raised and mankind shall appear before the Lord to give an account. Believers in Christ will be transformed and enjoy everlasting life in the presence of the Lord. Unbelievers will be condemned to everlasting, conscious punishment, forever separated from God.

SAM(SouthAmerican Mission) Website URL: https://southamericamission.org/

1 Comment

  1. Great post! I really enjoyed reading this and I felt like I learned a lot. I thought you made some great points especially talking about how we should be living as redeemed children of Christ together. There is strength in community, and that is what this organization is attempting to create. I think community has been so important recently and to me personally. I have felt the most growth during my time as a community whether in college or in my church. I love this organizations mission. Thank you for sharing!

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