Focus on the Family

Focus on the Family is another incredible organization that is committed to spreading the Gospel to families that need it the most. This organization makes broadcasts and programs that families can use to learn more about the Gospel of Jesus and strengthen their faith in these truths. They help families thrive through these resources and can even provide parents with marriage counseling and advice.

The degradation of the family is one of the biggest problems that is seen today, and this problem is especially apparent in the United States. Focus on the Family hopes to reunite these families, and create strong, lasting bonds between family members that are rooted in the love and compassion found in the Lord. This is a great company that provides modern resources that make use of modern day technology and outlets to provide families with access to the redeeming message of Jesus.


  1. Jansen Dudt on April 30, 2020 at 11:42 pm

    Hey Asher, I remember listening to focus on the Family a lot when I was growing up. It’s such a cool mission that helps families get though their hard times.